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Historically, most cultures have erroneously regarded the body solely as a mechanical and biochemical organism. However, every cell in the body is a transmitter and receiver of electromagnetic information.

The following are examples of how animals, plants, and human beings receive, hold, transmit, and respond to EM fields:

  • During migration, monarch butterflies, locusts, and even blindfolded birds navigate flawlessly. Salamanders and turtles also use magnetic fields to navigate. We now know that magnetite, a highly magnetic mineral, is found in the tissue and brains of insects, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.
  • Bacteria use their magnetic sense to burrow deeper into the mud. We now know that magnetite is also present in bacteria and protozoa.
  • Many kinds of fish are able to follow each other in organized formations (“schools”) due to the magnetic fields generated by the magnetite in their bodies.
  • The whiskers of dogs, cats, and other animals are now recognized to function as antennas, due to their sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
  • In plants, the sharp points of leaves, as well as pine needles and the blades of some species of grass, act as antennas for electrical signals.
  • Stingrays find food with their ability to detect normal, minute amounts of electrical discharge or magnetic fields emanating from their prey.
  • Fish, dolphins, and whales use the Earth’s magnetic fields and sonar (sound) for navigation.
  • The behavior of some animals has been used to forecast earthquakes for a long time. Cattle stampede, birds sing at the wrong time of day, mother cats move their kittens, snakes seek shelter. B. Blake Levitt writes: “It is now thought that [the animals] are reacting to changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, as well as to electrostatic charges in the air—long before the quake actually occurs or registers on even the most sensitive instruments.”
  • In humans, the sinuses, some other facial bones, the brain, and some bodily tissues contain magnetite.
  • Melatonin, a hormone that (among many functions) helps induce sleep, is produced by the pineal gland only in darkness. We now know that the pineal, deep inside the brain in the skull, is exquisitely sensitive to light.

Frequency therapies can increase cell energy, normalize membrane conductivity, lessen oxidative stress, reduce the amounts of inflammatory chemicals in the blood, improve protein synthesis, boost feel-good endorphin levels, restore depleted adrenal function, and enhance immune function. The restoration of these metabolic processes leads to the regeneration of tissue as well as resistance to disease.


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