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Enhance your health like none other through Terahertz Charged Hydrogen Water!

You are a talking, tool-making, learning bag of water. Okay, that’s not completely fair, but it’s close since the human body is 60 to 70% water. And it’s not just humans—most animals and even tiny bacteria are made up mostly of water.

Water is key to the existence of life as we know it. That may sound dramatic, but it’s true—and dramatic things that are true are what makes life interesting! Most of an organism’s cellular chemistry and metabolism occur in the water-based “goo” inside its cells, called cytosol.

Water is not only very common in the bodies of organisms, but it also has some unusual chemical properties that make it very good at supporting life. These properties are important to biology on many different levels, from cells to organisms to ecosystems.

Hydrogen Bonds and Life in the Universe

Of all known chemical bonds and forces, only hydrogen bonds are able to mediate the directional interactions that are needed for the operation of genetic and catalytic tasks in the universe.

Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe — with just one proton and one electron (it’s the only element without a neutron) — is the simplest element in the universe, which explains why it’s also the most abundant. In stars, hydrogen atoms fuse to create helium — the second most common element in the universe.

Together, helium and hydrogen make up 99.9 percent of known matter in the universe, according to Even so, there is still about 10 times more hydrogen than helium in the universe.

For this reason and because of the unique quantum properties of hydrogen bonding, the functional molecules involved in life processes are predicted to have extensive hydrogen bonding capabilities. A molecular medium generating a hydrogen-bond network is probably essential to support the activity of the functional molecules.

The interactions that take place between biomolecules are mediated by well-known chemical bonds and forces that obey the universal laws of physics and chemistry.

The Unique Role of Hydrogen Bonding

Hydrogen bonds are known to be extremely versatile. Hydrogen bonding can provide structure fluctuations because it is sensitive to nuclear quantum effects.

An important property related to nuclear quantum effects concerns the transfers of protons or of H atoms which may take place through hydrogen bonding.

Also, electron transfer, a key aspect of life molecular processes, is coupled in different ways to proton transfer: this coupling is necessary to maintain electrical neutrality in biological systems. Proton transfer is also central to the dynamical equilibrium that determines the pH of water. Proton transfer is not provided by halogen bonding and, concerning this aspect, hydrogen bonding is unique among any other chemical interaction.

Within the context of the origins of life, another important factor that should be considered is the role of hydrogen bonding in the photophysics and photochemistry of small organic molecules.

Hydrogen bonding in this case also plays an important role since the extent of proton delocalization along hydrogen bonds can affect the energies at which photons are absorbed, and also the fate of molecules and products formed in the excited state

In other words, hydrogen bonds help determine the absorption of light.

Hydrogen also emits light when excited by frequency!

The higher the frequency, the higher the energy of the light.

When unexcited, hydrogen’s electron is in the first energy level—the level closest to the nucleus. But if energy is supplied to the atom, the electron is excited into a higher energy level. Hydrogen molecules are first broken up into hydrogen atoms and electrons are then promoted to higher energy levels.

Think about emission: In order to maintain the law of conservation of energy, if an electron in an atom is to “relax” from a state of higher kinetic energy (the energy of motion) to a lower one, it must get rid of that energy somehow. It does so by radiating that energy away, usually in the form of light.

Hydrogen atoms absorb certain energies of light in order to achieve an excited state.

The Molecular Medium of Life – Water

The universe is electric. As such, the reactivity to electric fields arises because a hydrogen bond network is, in practice, an ensemble of dipoles that can be collectively re-oriented, providing extra capabilities of transmission of electric signals through the medium.

The dual hydrogen-bond donor-acceptor functionality is a unique property of the H2O molecule which explains most of the special properties of water. Water molecules can form a 3D hydrogen bond network where each molecule can establish up to four hydrogen bonds with neighboring molecules. Thanks to this fact, water molecules can establish directional links with the functional molecules while still being hydrogen-bonded with other water molecules (i.e., without interrupting the hydrogen-bond network). In terrestrial life, water molecules are involved in the stabilization of intermolecular complexes and can mediate the molecular recognition of chemical groups.

Among all known chemical interactions, only hydrogen bonds can mediate the low-energy, directional interactions required for the operation of genetic and catalytic tasks. Therefore the functional molecules, and the molecular constituents that interact with them, must have extensive capabilities of hydrogen bonding. This conclusion is reinforced by the fact that the quantum effects peculiar of hydrogen bonding are needed to build a dynamical system of fluctuating conformations, typical of life. Since life-based on genetic and catalytic molecules represents a broad generalization of terrestrial life, we may conclude that hydrogen bonding represents a universal language of life molecular interactions.

The capability of interacting with the functional molecules via hydrogen bonding indicates which molecules are best suited to form the molecular medium of life.

The RNA world and the emergence of life can only take place in the hydrogen-bond stage. Therefore, physical and chemical conditions conducive to hydrogen bonding should be used as a general criterion to search for habitable environments in the universe.

In a paper published in the journal Nature Astronomy, scientists have observed in laboratory studies that microbes can survive and thrive in atmospheres that are dominated by hydrogen.

Terahertz Charged Hydrogen Water

If you’re looking to enhance your health like none other, then you’ll definitely want to get your hands on the new 7 Wonders Water.


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